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Film ITA Online streaming in HD » Animazione » Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985)
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985)

Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985)

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Descrizione: Set on the subterranean Mine-World, a band of human worker are treated like slaves under the power of the evil overlord Zygon until one, Orin, unearths the hilt of a mythical sword that only he can master. Escaping the planet, he runs into the rogue smuggler Dagg and a pair of helpful droids and the princess, who all team up to return to the Mine-World with a plan to defeat Zygon and free Orin's enslaved people.
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985) Film Streaming ITA Online
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